He hanga e tutuki ai ngā tauhohe matū o roto i ngā pūnaha tinana, pērā i te nakunaku kai me te whakarau pūngao. He mea whakaputa e te tinana te pūmua whākōkī, kei roto hoki i ētahi kai. He manomano ngā momo pūmua whākōkī, he mahi whāiti tā tēnā, tā tēnā. Hei tauira, ko te whākōkī ngako, koia hei wāwāhi i te ngako o roto i te kōpiro.
A substance that enables chemical reactions within the body's systems to happen, such as digestion and metabolism. Enzymes are produced by our body and found in some foods. There are thousands of different sorts of enzymes in the body, each with a specific function. For example, lipase is an enzyme that breaks down fat in the intestine.
pūmua ‒ protein
whākōkī ‒ catalyst
He maha ngā momo māuiui ka puta i te kōpaka o te pūmua whākōkī pērā i te koto reihuka, arā, te kore āhei o te tinana ki te nakunaku i te huka kei roto i ngā momo huamiraka.