He hākinakina rākete ka tākarohia ki tētahi papa tākaro tūroto. Ka tauwhāingatia i waenga i ētahi kaitākaro takitahi e rua, i waenga rānei i ētahi takirua. He momo hanga ka hāua kia hārewa ki runga ake i tētahi mātiratira hei whakahoki mā te hoariri. Ka kīia hoki taua hanga he pūkura. Ka piro te kaitākaro mēnā ka hē te whakahoki pūkura a te hoariri, ka tau rānei te pūkura ki te papa i te rohe o te hoariri.
A racket sport which is played on an indoor court. It is contested between two singles players, or between doubles. An object called a shuttlecock is hit over a net for the opponent to return. A player wins a point if the opponent's return of the shuttlecock is astray, or if the shuttlecock touches the ground in the opponent's court.
pū - bundle, clump, tuft
kura - ornamented with feathers
Hei ngā Pōhina tū ai ngā tākaro a te karapu pūkura ki te whare huihui o te hapori.
Ko te reretahi o te karu me te ringa tētahi pūkenga matua hei whakapakari mā te kaitākaro pūkura.
Kei te waia haere au ki te āhua o te rere o te pūkura, inā he rerekē i te rere o tētahi pōro.