He hākina rākete ka tauwhāingatia i waenga i ētahi kaitākaro takitahi e rua, i waenga rānei i ētahi takirua. Ka tākarohia ki rō whare, he momo tēpu te papa tākaro. Ka hāua he pōro iti kia rere ki runga ake i tētahi mātiratira, kia tau ki te taha o te hoariri. Ka hāua e te hoariri hei whakahoki i te pōro. Ka piro te kaitākaro mēnā ka hē, ka hapa, ka kore e taea atu rānei tā te hoariri whakahoki i te pōro.
A racket sport contested between two singles players, or between two doubles. It is played indoors on a table. A small ball is struck over the net to land on the opponent's side. The opponent then hits the ball back in return. A player wins a point if the opponent's return is astray or faulty or they are unable to return the ball.
poi - ball
kōpiko - go alternately in opposite directions
tēnehi tēpu
poi tēpu
Ka whakatūria e ngā ākonga he whakataetae poikōpiko hei ngahau mā rātou.
E taupatupatuhia ana e ētahi mēnā rānei he rākete, he patu rānei te rākau hahau pōro i te poikōpiko.
Ka pai ki a ia te tākaro poikōpiko i muri i te kura i ia rā.