Ko te hua ka puta mēnā he rerekē te momo o ōna mātua. Ka mau tonu te hua ki ngā āhuatanga tuku iho mai i aua momo e rua. Hei tauira, ko te mure te hua ka puta i te ainga a te hōiho me te kāihe. He momorua anō hoki ka āta hangaia e te tangata hei whakaputa i tētahi tipu hou, hua hou rānei, pērā i te tānero (mai i te manarini me te huakerepe) me te rōkanapere (mai i te rāpere me te parakipere). Mā te whakaputa momorua e pakari anō ai te papare tahumaero o te tipu.
The offspring resulting from a cross between individuals of two different species. The offspring retain features from both parents. For example, the mule which comes from the mating of a horse and donkey. Hybrid plants can also be created to produce a new species of fruit, such as the tangelo (from the mandarin and grapefruit) or the loganberry (from the raspberry and blackberry). Hybrids are also created to increase the disease resistance of a plant.
momo - species, type
rua - two
He aha te momorua ka puta i te ainga a te raiona me te taika?
Rangahautia te mahi e puta ai tētahi putiputi momorua hou.
He rerekē te momo o ngā mātua o tētahi momorua.