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Te Papakupu o Te Marautanga o Aotearoa
Ngā Wāhanga Ako: Te Reo Matatini, Ngā Toi, Pāngarau, Pūtaiao, Hangarau, Tikanga ā-Iwi, Hauora, Para Kore, Mātauranga Whānui
Ko te aho ka hua ake i te miringa o ngā weu o tētahi tipu, pērā i te muka o te harakeke.
The yarn that results from twisting the fibres of a plant, such as muka from flax.
Kotahi te kōwhao o te ngira e kuhuna ai te miro mā, te miro pango me te miro whero.*
Miria te muka o te harakeke, kia rua mita pea te roa o te miro.
Me pēhea te tāwai i te miro kia rauwhero te tae?
Ko te miro tēnei o te muka harakeke, ka hua ake i te miri i ngā weu.
*He whakataukī. Tirohia Ngā Pepeha a ngā Tīpuna, nā Hirini Mead rāua ko Neil Grove. Victoria University Press, wh.246.