Ko tētahi tohutau kotahi. Koinei te huinga o ngā mati katoa o tō tātau pūnaha tau: {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9}. Arā ētahi tau e rua, nui ake rānei ōna mati, ā, ka whai tikanga ia mati i runga i tōna wāhi uara tū. Hei tauira, i tau matirua te 34, ko te 30 te tikanga o te mati 3 nā te mea kei te wāhi uara tū o ngā tekau.
A single numeral. The set of digits in our number system is: {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9}. Some numbers have more than two digits, and each digit has a meaning based on its place value. For example in the two-digit number 34, the digit 3 has a value of 30 because it sits in the tens place value position.
E hia ngā mati i te tau 2010?
Ko tēhea te mati e tohu mai ana i ngā tekau?
Ko te 500 te tikanga o te mati ‘5’ i roto i te tau 529.