Koia nei ngā mati e noho ana ki te taha matau o te ira i roto i tētahi tau ā-ira. E 2 ngā mati whaiira i tēnei tau: 265.25. Ko te 0, te 4 me te 9 ngā mati whaiira i tēnei tau: 13.049
The digits that follow the decimal point in any decimal number. There are 2 decimal digits in the number 265.25. The decimal digits in 13.049 are 0, 4 and 9.
▾mati - digit
whai - possess, follow
ira - decimal point
mati ā-ira
Whakaawhiwhia te 0.2438 kia toru ngā mati whaiira.
Ko tēhea te mati whaiira e tohu ana i ngā hautekau?