He mate huaketo, he mate huakita rānei, inā ko te kakā o ngā kiriuhi e kōpaki ana i te roro me te pūroro. Ko te māhunga ānini, ko te kirikā, ko te hiakai kore, ko te makiki o ngā uaua i te kakī ētahi o ngā putanga matua o tēnei mate. Ko te urunga atu o ngā huaketo, ngā huakita rānei ki ngā toto te takenga mai o te kiriuhi uakakā, ā, mēnā ko te kiriuhi uakakā huakita, tērā te tūpono e mate ai te tangata.
A viral or bacterial disease which causes the inflammation of the membranes enveloping the brain and brain stem. Main symptoms include headache, fever, loss of appetite, and stiffness in the muscles of the neck. Meningitis is caused by the spread of viruses or bacteria into the blood, and bacterial meningitis is potentially life-threatening.
kiriuhi - membrane
ua - backbone, neck, back of the neck
kakā - inflamed
Ka taea rānei te tuku awhikiri kia kore ai te tangata e pāngia ki te kiriuhi uakakā?
I ētahi o ngā momo mate kiriuhi uakakā, ko te kōpukupuku o te tinana tētahi o ngā putanga.