


tūingoa, tūāhua


Te kaha apiapi o tētahi matū. He tino kiato te totoka nā te noho pipiri o ngā ngota. Kāore i te tino kiato te haurehu, nā te noho tāwhitiwhiti o ngā ngota. Ko te papatipu o tētahi henemita pūtoru (cm3) o te matū hei whakaatu i tōna kiato (g/cm3).

The compactness of a substance. Solids have a high density because of the closeness of the atoms. A gas is less dense because the atoms have more space between them. Measuring the mass of a cubic centimetre of a substance will give its density (g/cm3).

Tauira KŌrero

Pēhea nei te kiato o te haumāmā?

Raupapahia ēnei matū mai i te iti ki te nui o te kiato.

He nui ake te kiato o te wai tai i te wai māori.

Takenga Mai

kiato - compact



Tauira KŌrero

Pēhea nei te kiato o te haumāmā?

Raupapahia ēnei matū mai i te iti ki te nui o te kiato.

He nui ake te kiato o te wai tai i te wai māori.