He momo hoahoa motuhake e whakamahi ana i te pou hei whakaatu raraunga. He āhua ōrite ki te kauwhata pou, arā, ka tuhia he pou hei whakaatu i te auau o ia rōpū raraunga, engari ka piri tahi ngā pou. Ka whakamahia tēnei momo kauwhata mēnā he raraunga motukore. Ka wehea ngā raraunga motukore ki ētahi rōpū ōrite hei whakaatu ki te kauwhata.
A special type of diagram which uses bars to show data. It is similar to the bar graph where the frequency of each category of data is represented by a bar, however the bars are joined. This type of graph is used for continuous data which is divided into equal groups.
kauwhata pou - bar graph
here - tie, bind