

inflamed, inflammation

tūingoa, tūmahi poro, tūāhua


He putanga o ētahi mate ina ka pupuhi, ka wera, ka hana, ka mamae te wāhi o te tinana e mate ana. Hei tauira, ina takoki te punga, ka kakā.

A symptom of some conditions in which the affected part of the body becomes swollen, hot and painful. For example, the inflammation which accompanies a sprained ankle.

Tauira KŌrero

He aha te mahi a ngā pūtau i te wā e kakā ana tētahi wāhi o te tinana?

Rangahautia ngā mate pāwera, ko te kakā tētahi o ngā putanga.

Ko te kakā te urupare o te tinana ki tētahi mate, tētahi wharanga rānei.

Tauira KŌrero

He aha te mahi a ngā pūtau i te wā e kakā ana tētahi wāhi o te tinana?

Rangahautia ngā mate pāwera, ko te kakā tētahi o ngā putanga.

Ko te kakā te urupare o te tinana ki tētahi mate, tētahi wharanga rānei.