




Ko te taputapu hei ine i te paemahana. Ko te āwhata tohurau (Celsius) te āwhata arowhānui. Arā, kotahi rau ngā wehenga o tēnei āwhata, mai i te pae e haupapa ai te wai (0º) ki te pae e koropupū ai (100º). Ka kīia ia wehenga he putu.

The instrument for measuring temperature. The Celsius scale is the standard scale which is divided into 100 divisions between freezing (0º) and boiling (100º). Each division is called a degree (º).

Tauira KŌrero

Whakamahia te ine-mahana hei ine i te wera o te wai.

Tohua te 27º i te ine-mahana.

Ko ngā wehenga tōraro o te ine-mahana hei ine i ngā wāhi he makariri ake i te haupapa.

WhakamĀrama Āpitihanga

Ko te waeine tohurau (Celsius) e whakaaturia ana ki ēnei ine-mahana. He tangata a Celsius, nō te whenua o Huitene. Nāna tēnei waeine i hanga i te rautau 1700. Ko te 0º te pae e haupapa ai te wai. Ko te 100º te pae e koropupū ai:

Tauira KŌrero

Whakamahia te ine-mahana hei ine i te wera o te wai.

Tohua te 27º i te ine-mahana.

Ko ngā wehenga tōraro o te ine-mahana hei ine i ngā wāhi he makariri ake i te haupapa.

WhakamĀrama Āpitihanga