Ka whakamahia tēnei kupu hei ingoa mō te katoa o tēnei momo ika. Tapaina ai e te Māori he ingoa ki tēnā momo, ki tēnā momo ika moana. Ki tā te Māori, he ika tonu tēnei momo nā te mea he aitanga nā Tangaroa. Engari, ki tā ngā mātanga pūtaiao o te ao whānui, ehara i te ika nā te mea e whāngaitia ana ngā punua ki te waiū, ā, ka kīia e rātou he whāngote.
This word is used for the whole of whale species, however there are specific names for the various species of whales. Māori regard the whale as an ika because it is a progeny of Tangaroa. To western science, the whale is not a fish because it feeds its young on the breast and is therefore classified as a mammal.
Ko tēhea te ika moana kaitā rawa atu?
Rangahautia te whakapapa o ngā momo ika moana.
Whāngaitia ai ngā punua ika moana ki te waiū.