He pokanga, ka tangohia he whēkau, he pūtautau rānei i te tangata, i te kararehe rānei, ā, ka kuhuna ki tangata kē hei oranga mōna. Ka tangohia rānei he pūtautau mai i tētahi wāhi o te tinana o te tūroro, ā, ka whakanōhia ki te wāhi e mate ana. Ko te kiri uwhi hei tauira o tērā.
A surgical operation where an organ or tissue is taken from one person and inserted into another, in order for them to regain health. A transplant can also be the removal of tissue from one part of the patient's body which is then placed in the area that is unwell, as for example in a skin graft.
Nō te tau 1967 te huaranga manawa tuatahi o te ao, he pokanga e iwa haora te roa.
Ka tohua ki te raihana taraiwa mēnā rānei he kaituku whēkau te tangata hei huaranga ki tētahi atu e māuiui ana.