

element, member (of a set)



Ko te mea kotahi o roto i tētahi huinga. Arā pea, ko tētahi o ngā tau o roto i tētahi huinga tau, ko tētahi āhua rānei o roto i tētahi huinga āhua.

One member out of a set. For example, one number from a set of numbers, or one shape from a set of shapes.

Tauira KŌrero

He huānga te ‘4’ nō roto i te huinga taurua.

E hia ngā huānga o te huinga āhua nei?

Porowhitatia kia kotahi haurua o ngā huānga o tēnei huinga.

WhakamĀrama Āpitihanga

E whā ngā huānga o tēnei huinga āhua:

Koia nei te huinga o ngā tauoti kei raro i te 7. Kua porowhitatia tētahi haurua o ngā huānga:

Takenga Mai

huānga - relative, member of the same hapū

Tauira KŌrero

He huānga te ‘4’ nō roto i te huinga taurua.

E hia ngā huānga o te huinga āhua nei?

Porowhitatia kia kotahi haurua o ngā huānga o tēnei huinga.

WhakamĀrama Āpitihanga