All rights reserved
Te Papakupu o Te Marautanga o Aotearoa
Ngā Wāhanga Ako: Te Reo Matatini, Ngā Toi, Pāngarau, Pūtaiao, Hangarau, Tikanga ā-Iwi, Hauora, Para Kore, Mātauranga Whānui
Ko te whai o tētahi mea i tētahi, me te hoki anō ki te mea tuatahi, ā, ka pērā tonu te tāruarua.
Something follows something else then returns to the first thing, and continues like that repeatedly.
Whakamāramatia mai te hohoko haere o tēnei tauira.
Ka hohoko ngā kaikōrero i te kawa tauutuutu.
He tauira hohoko ngā taurua me ngā taukehe i te huinga o ngā tau tatau, arā, {1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ...}, {taurua, taukehe, taurua, taukehe, taurua, taukehe ...}