He momo ako inā ka riro mā te ākonga e hautū tana ako, pērā i te nui o te wā ka tukuna e ia ki tana mahi ako, te nui o te mahi ka oti i ia wā ako, me te tere o tana ako.
A type of learning where the learner controls the amount of time they give to their learning, the amount of work they do in each learning session, and the pace of their learning.
koke - to move forward on a course
whaiaro - self, personal
E tino taea ana te ako koke whaiaro i ngā akoranga īako.
E tino arotau ana ia ki te ako koke whaiaro.
Ko te urupū whaiaro me te whakahaere wā ētahi pūkenga nui e angitu ai te ākonga i te ako koke whaiaro.