He kōrero ka whakaaturia ki te mata o te rorohiko, he mea whakaputa e tōna pūnaha whakahaere, e tētahi paetukutuku rānei, kāore e whai pānga ana ki ngā mahi a te kaiwhakamahi. Hei tauira, he whakamōhiotanga e pā ana ki te ngoikore haere o te pūhiko o te rorohiko.
A message that appears on a computer's screen, generated by its operating system or from a website, that is unrelated to what the user is doing. For example, a notification about a computer's low battery power.
Kua puta he whakamōhiotanga mō te rā mōnehu o te papatono ārai wheori - me wawe te whakahou.
Ehara i te mea e here ana te kaiwhakamahi ki te whai i tā te whakamōhiotanga i taua wā tonu.
Me pēhea te whakapoko i ngā whakamōhiotanga putarere e pā ana ki tēnei paetukutuku e hoa?