He mahi hei muku, hei hurikōaro rānei i te mahi o mua tata i te rorohiko. Hei tauira, mēnā ka tapahia atu he kupu o roto i tētahi tuhinga, mā te taumahi wewete e whakahokia ai taua kupu.
An operation to delete or reverse the previous action on a computer. For example, if a word is cut from a document, the undo function will return that word.
wewete - to untie, unravel
Me pēhea te wewete i tētahi tapahanga kupu?
He tino whaihua te taumahi wewete o te papatono tukatuka kupu, he māmā te whakahoki mai i te tuhinga o mua.
Kia rua, kia toru pea ngā wetekanga kia hoki anō te tuhinga ki tōna āhua o mua.