




Ko tētahi wāhanga o te tinana o te kīrehe tuaiwi-kore. Ko te mahi a te weri he whāwhā, he pupuri, he āwhina rānei i te kīrehe ki te kai. He roa, he hangore hoki te weri. Hei tauira o ngā momo e whai weri ana, ko te wheke, ko te kōura, ko te rō.

Part of the body of an invertebrate animal which is used for feeling, grasping and feeding. Tentacles are elongated and flexible. Examples of species with tentacles include the octopus, crayfish and praying mantis.

Tauira KŌrero

Whakamahia ai e te kōura ana weri ki te aha?

Whakaaturia ngā weri ki te pikitia o te pātangaroa.

He momi kei ngā weri o te wheke hei pupuri māna i āna kai.

Tauira KŌrero

Whakamahia ai e te kōura ana weri ki te aha?

Whakaaturia ngā weri ki te pikitia o te pātangaroa.

He momi kei ngā weri o te wheke hei pupuri māna i āna kai.