He pūnaha whakaatu i te wā o tuauri whāioio i hua ake ai ngā āhuatanga ā-nuku, ngā āhuatanga ōkiko o Papatūānuku ki tā te mātanga pūtaiao Pākehā titiro. Ko te whakatau wā ā-nuku tētahi tukanga tātari matū hei whakatau tata i te tawhito o tētahi mea pērā i te mātātoka.
A system to describe ancient times when the geological and physical properties of the Earth originated according to western science. Geological dating is a process of chemical analysis to estimate the age of something such as a fossil.
tuauri whāioio
Ka whakamahia te pūnaha wā ā-nuku ki te tautohu i ngā āhuatanga o tuauri whāioio, pērā i te wā i nohoia ai te whenua e te mokonui.
Ka whakawehea te wā ā-nuku ki ētahi takiwā he miriona tau te roa, pērā i te takiwā kōpaka, te wā i tauria ai te whenua e te tio.
Rangahautia ngā wehenga o te wā ā-nuku.