He momo tākaro nō te whare tapere. Ka mahi takirua, takirōpū rānei ngā kaitākaro ki te whiu rākau, tētahi ki tētahi, me te haere hoki o te pao, o te manawataki, o te waiata. He maha ngā momo tī rākau rerekē, ā, ko tētahi painga o ēnei tākaro, ko te whakapakari i te reretahi o te karu me te ringa.
A game from the Māori house of entertainment. Players work together in pairs or groups to throw sticks from one to another while keeping time by chanting or singing. There are a large number of variations, and one of the benefits of this game is the strengthening of hand-eye coordination.
poi rākau
tītī tōrea
tītī tourea
tītī touretua
He mea whakauru te tī rākau ki tā rātou whakaaturanga kapa haka - ka wani kē!
Ko E Pāpā Waiari te waiata e mōhio whānuitia ana mō te tī rākau.
Nāna i tito ētahi mahinga tī rākau hou mā āna tamariki.