He rauropi orotā, arā, he rauropi patu i rauropi kē. Hei tauira, ko te paihamu e kai nei i ō tātou ngahere, ko te rāpeti e takakino nei i te whenua, ko te iro poka e kai nei i te papa rākau, ko te kōhi anō hoki e māhorahora nei te tupu i ngā pātītī pāmu. Ka kīia ngā riha kua kawea mai ki Aotearoa i whenua kē, he riha rāwaho.
A destructive organism, one that destroys other organisms. For example, the possum which destroys our forests, the rabbit which spoils land, the borer bug which destroys timber, and gorse which grows on farm paddocks. Pests which have been imported into New Zealand are called introduced pests.