He mate huaketo horapa ka tino pāpā atu ki te hunga tamariki, ina te pupuhi o ngā repe hūware. Ko te kirikā, ko te pupuhi me te mamae o te kakī, ko te mahunga ānini ngā putanga matua. Ka whai awhikiri te tangata i muri i tana pāngia ki te repe hūware pupuhi.
An infectious viral disease which particularly affects children, causing swelling of the salivary glands. The main symptoms include fever, swelling and aching of the neck, and headaches. Following the disease, a person usually gains natural immunity to a recurrence.
repe - gland
hūware - saliva
pupuhi - swell
He aha ngā momo rongoā ka tukuna ki te tangata e pāngia ana ki te repe hūware pupuhi?
Whakamāramatia te whakawhitinga o te repe hūware pupuhi, mai i tētahi tangata ki tangata kē.
Ka tukuna he awhikiri ki te nuinga o ngā pēpi i Aotearoa, kia kore ai e pāngia e te repe hūware pupuhi.