He rōpū rākau e noho puare ana ōna kākano, kāore e noho ana ki rō wharekano pērā i ngā tipu whaipua. Ko te koroī te taihemahema o tēnei rōpū rākau. Mā te hau e kawea ai ngā kākano o te rākau koroī, ka tau ki te whenua, ā, ka pihi ake he rākau hou. He rākau koroī te kauri me te kahikatea.
A group of trees whose seeds are exposed, as opposed to the angiosperm whose seed develops within the ovary. The cone of the gymnosperm is the reproductive organ. The seeds are dispersed by the wind to settle on the ground and develop into a new tree. Examples of gymnosperms include the kauri and kahikatea.
▾koroī - fruit of white pine
He aha te tukanga whakaputa uri o ngā rākau koroī?
Whakarōpūngia ngā rākau koroī, me ngā rākau whaipua.
E 20 ngā rākau koroī māori o Aotearoa.