

spider, crawler, bot (computing)



He papatono pūmanawa, he hōtuhi rānei, ko tāna he tirotiro i te tukutuku ao whānui, he whakarārangi haere i ngā kupumatua hei kimi mā te pūrapu i ngā paetukutuku e hāngai ana ki tā te kaiwhakamahi i whakauru ai.

A software program or script whose function is to browse the World Wide Web in order to create a list of keywords that are then looked through by a search engine to find the websites relevant to the user's input.

Tauira KŌrero

Ka noho te hōtuhi pūwerewere ki roto i te papatono pūtirotiro.

Ko te Googlebot tētahi pūwerewere e whakamahia whānuitia ana.

Ko tā te pūwerewere he pōkai haere i ngā whārangi o tētahi paetukutuku, ka whakarārangi haere i ngā kaupapa o reira, kātahi ka toro ki ngā kuputoro o roto i taua paetukutuku.

Tauira KŌrero

Ka noho te hōtuhi pūwerewere ki roto i te papatono pūtirotiro.

Ko te Googlebot tētahi pūwerewere e whakamahia whānuitia ana.

Ko tā te pūwerewere he pōkai haere i ngā whārangi o tētahi paetukutuku, ka whakarārangi haere i ngā kaupapa o reira, kātahi ka toro ki ngā kuputoro o roto i taua paetukutuku.