


tūingoa, tūāhua


He ine i te rahi o te wairehu i te kōhauhau. Ko tā te pīpīwai he tohu i te tūpono tōtā o te wairehu, me te heke o te ua. Ko te paemahana o te hau takiwā me te kaha o te hau ngā āhuatanga matua ka tohu mai i te rahi o te pīpīwai.

A measure of the amount of water vapour in the atmosphere. Humidity is an indicator of the likelihood of the water vapour condensing, resulting in rain. The air temperature and the wind are major determinants of humidity.

Tauira KŌrero

He aha te taputapu ine-pīpīwai?

Tohua ki te mahere ngā rohe e tino noho mai ai te pīpīwai.

Mēnā he rahi tonu te pīpīwai, kāore e whakaetoa te werawera o te tangata, ā, ka piki te mahana o te tinana.



Tauira KŌrero

He aha te taputapu ine-pīpīwai?

Tohua ki te mahere ngā rohe e tino noho mai ai te pīpīwai.

Mēnā he rahi tonu te pīpīwai, kāore e whakaetoa te werawera o te tangata, ā, ka piki te mahana o te tinana.