Mēnā kei te takiwā o te 1.61 te otinga o te whakawehe i ētahi taurangi e rua, ka kīia he ōwehenga huatau kei waenganui i aua taurangi. He nui te whakamahinga o te pānga huatau i te mahi hoahoa whare me te mahi toi. Hei tauira, i te tapawhā hāngai huatau, ina whakawehea te tapa roa ki te tapa poto, ko te 1.61 te otinga. He huatau ki tā te karu titiro.
If the division of one variable by another results in a number close to 1.61, there is a golden ratio between those variables. The golden ratio is used a lot in architecture and art. As an example, if the long side of a rectangle is divided by the short side and the result is 1.61, then that is a golden rectangle. It is said to be pleasing to the eye.
ōwehenga - ratio
huatau - comely, suitable, elegant, graceful
Tuhia tētahi tapawhā hāngai, he ōwehenga huatau kei waenganui i ngā tapa.
Tuhia te ōwehenga huatau kia rima ngā mati ā-ira.