He rārangi e honohono ana i ngā wāhi e ōrite ana te pēhanga kōhauhau. Ka tuhia ēnei rārangi ki te mahere huarere hei whakaatu i ngā wāhi ka piki, ka heke rānei te pēhanga. Mēnā he pipiri ngā pae pēhanga, he tohu tēnā i te kaha piki, kaha heke rānei o te pēhanga, ā, he kino te huarere (he kurahau-awatea). Mēnā he tāwhitiwhiti ngā pae pēhanga, he tohu tēnā i te māmā o te piki, o te heke rānei o te pēhanga. He paki te huarere (he kurahaupō).
Lines joining points of equal atmospheric pressure. Isobars are drawn on a weather map to show places where atmospheric pressure changes. Isobars drawn close together indicate abrupt changes in the atmospheric pressure causing inclement weather (cyclonic). Isobars that are spaced apart indicate more gradual changes in atmospheric pressure, resulting in calm and settled weather (anticyclonic).
pae - region, boundary
pēhanga - pressure
He pēhea nei te huarere mēnā he pipiri ngā pae pēhanga?
Whakamāramatia mai te āhua o ngā pae pēhanga mēnā he paki te huarere.
Ko tā ngā pae pēhanga he tohu i te pēhanga o te hau takiwā.