He pūnaha waea aunoa hei whakautu i tō waea ina kāore koe i te wātea. Ka hopukina tō karere ki te hunga ka waea mai, ā, koirā te reo ka rangona e rātou ina kāore koe e whakautu i tō waea.
An automated phone system for answering your phone when you are unavailable. Your message to the caller is recorded and that is what they hear when you don't answer your phone.
mēra - mail (kupu mino)
hopu - to capture, record
reo - voice
E hoa, me whakahou tō karere i tō mēra hopureo.
Me pēhea e tīkina atu ai ngā kōrero kua waihotia ki taku mēra hopureo?
Te roa hoki o te kōrero kei tō mēra hopureo e hoa - me whakapoto.