He mate ka takea mai i te inati me te korokē o te wehenga pūtau, me te patu a ētahi pūtau i ngā pūtautau e pātata ana. He ngū ētahi pukupuku, arā, ka noho noa iho ki roto i te tinana, engari he orotā ētahi, ā, e mate ai pea te tangata. Hei tauira o te mate pukupuku, ko te mate pukupuku pūkahukahu (i te nuinga o te wā ka takea mai i te kai hikareti), ko te mate pukupuku kiri (nā te kaha pāngia e te hahana o Tamanuiterā), ko te mate pukupuku ū, ko te mate pukupuku kōpiro. He tuku iho te mate pukupuku i ētahi wā.
A disease which arises from the uncontrollable and abnormal division of cells, and the destruction of tissue by adjacent cells. Some tumours are benign, others are malignant and can result in death. Common examples of cancer include lung cancer (often caused by smoking), skin cancer (through over exposure to the Sun’s radiation), bowel cancer, and breast cancer. In some cases, cancer is hereditary.
He aha ētahi mate pukupuku e tino pāpā ana ki te hunga tamariki?
Rangahautia ngā momo rongoā mō te mate pukupuku.
E tino hōrapa ana te mate pukupuku puta noa i te ao.