He ara whakawhitiwhiti kōrero ā-tuhi mai i tētahi pūrere matihiko ki tētahi. He momo whakawhitinga kōrero wātonu, inā ka patoa e te kaituku tētahi kupu, he tangetange tā te kaiwhiwhi kite i taua kupu.
A method of written communication between digital devices. It is a form of real-time communication, in that when a word is typed by the sender it is immediately seen by the receiver.
Ko tētahi o ngā kawa o te kōrerorero, ko te whakamahi pūriki, kāore te pūmatua.
Me āta whakaaro ngā kupu ka patoa e koe nā te mea ka kitea inamata e te hoa kōrerorero.
Me pēhea te whakatū i tētahi taiwhanga kōrerorero i runga paetukutuku?