He taputapu hei whakaatu i te wā. Arā, ka whakaaturia te haora o te rā, te meneti, me te hākona i ētahi karaka. He kupu hoki hei tohu i te haora, pērā i te 'whā karaka'.
An instrument for showing the time, namely the hour of the day, the minutes, and some clocks show seconds. It is also a word used for indicating hours, such as in '4 o'clock'.
He kupu mino.
Titiro ki te karaka mō Poihākena. E hia haora tō rātou tōmuri i Aotearoa?
He aha tēnei momo karaka?
Kei te aha te tāima? Kua haurua mai i te toru karaka.