Ko te marara māhorahora, matapōkere hoki o ngā rāpoi ngota o tētahi haurehu, o tētahi wē rānei, mai i te wāhi e tino kukū ana te haurehu (te wē rānei) ki te wāhi kāore e kukū ana. Kia ōrite te kukūtanga o ngā wāhi katoa, kua oti te ingo.
A spontaneous and random movement of molecules in a gas or liquid from a region of high concentration to a region of lower concentration. When the concentation is equalised, the diffusion is complete.
ingo - be diffused
He aha te mahi a ngā rāpoi ngota o te haurehu i te wā e ingo ana?
Inea te roa o te wā e ingo katoa ai te waituhi ki roto i te wai.
Kua ingo te kakara o te kai ki te rūma noho.