He wē hāwaniwani ka whakaputaina e ngā kiriuhi hūwareware o te tinana. I te pūnaha arahau, ko tā te hūwareware he aukati i ngā korakora iti o te hau takiwā, pērā i te puehu, te hae me te huakita, kia kore ai e uru atu ki ngā pūkahukahu. I te pūnaha nakunaku kai, he hekewaku te hūwareware e māmā ai te neke haere o te kai i roto i te ara nakunaku, he tiaki hoki i ngā pūtau o te paetara o te puku. I te pūnaha whakaputa uri, he hekewaku anō te mahi a te hūwareware, he tiaki hoki i ngā taihema uwha kia kore ai e pāngia e te mate.
A slimy liquid produced by mucus membranes in the body. In the respiratory system, mucus stops small particles in the air such as dust, pollen and bacteria from entering the lungs. In the digestive system, mucus acts as a lubricant for food travelling through the digestive tract. It also protects the cells in the stomach lining. In the reproductive system, mucus again acts as a lubricant, and also helps prevent infection in the female reproductive organs.
Kei hea ngā kiriuhi matua ka whakaputa i te hūwareware?
Whakamāramatia te take he nui te puta o te hūwareware ina pāngia te tangata ki te maremare.
Ki te kore te hūwareware o te puku, ka pāngia ngā paetara pūtau ki te waikawa o roto i te wai nakunaku.