Ko te tukanga e uru ai, e puta ai te hau i te ihu me ngā pūkahukahu. Mā te hohoko o te kukuti me te hangore o te pātūpoho o te tangata e tutuki ai tana hā ki roto, tana hā ki waho. Ka kukuti ana te pātūpoho, ka momia te hau ki roto i te arahau, ki ngā pūkahukahu, ki reira whakawhitia ai te hāora ki ngā toto. Ka hangoro te pātūpoho, ka whakaputaina te hau ki waho o te tinana.
The process of moving air in and out of the nose and lungs. The diaphragm alternately contracts and relaxes to facilitate breathing in and breathing out. When the diaphragm contracts, air is pulled in through the air passages to the lungs where the oxygen is transferred to the blood. When the diaphragm relaxes, air is expelled out of the body.
Kia tau te hēhē e hoa, me āta hā ki roto, me āta hā ki waho.
I āta tirotiro ngā tākuta he aha i raru ai te hēhē a taku mokopuna.
Kei te takiwā o te 23,000 ngā hēhē a te tangata i ia rā.