Ko te hautau e whakaaturia ana mā te whakamahi i te ira ngahuru. Ko ngā mati katoa o te hautanga ā-ira, ka whai mai i te taha matau o te ira. Ki te taha mauī o te ira, ko ngā mati o te wāhanga tauoti.
He hautanga ā-ira ēnei (he iti iho i te 1): 0.45, 0.2, 0.0783
He tau ā-ira ēnei (he nui ake i te 1): 1.2, 45.09, 256.6
A fraction that is shown by the use of a decimal point. All of the digits in a decimal fraction come after the decimal point. The whole number part is written on the left of the decimal point.