Ina pūtahi ētahi rārangi e rua, ā, e 90º te koki, ka kīia he rārangi hāngai. E whā ngā koki hāngai i te huringa kotahi. E 90º te rahi o tētahi o ngā koki o te tapatoru hāngai.
When two lines intersect and form an angle of 90º, they are said to be perpendicular lines. There are four right angles in a revolution. One of the angles in a right angled triangle is 90˚.
hāngai - across, at right angles, astride
E hia putu te koki hāngai haurua?
Kimihia ētahi koki hāngai e kitea mai ana i te akomanga.
Mēnā e rua ngā koki hāngai piritata, he rite ki te koki o te rārangi torotika.