


tūmahi poro


Ko te kimikimi me te kohikohi i ngā kai māori o te ao tūroa. Ka whai wāhi atu ko ngā momo kai o te ngahere pērā i te pikopiko, ko ngā momo kai o tai pērā i te pūpū, me ngā momo kai e tipu māori mai ana i te whenua tūraha pērā i te parakipere me te pūhā.

The searching for and collection of uncultivated food from nature. This includes food from the forest such as young fern shoots, food from the coast such as periwinkles and food growing naturally in more open spaces such as blackberry and sowthistle.

Tauira KŌrero

Haere tātou ki te hamukai i ngā āria i te taha moana.

He tohunga ia ki te hamukai, arā kē te huhua ka horaina ki tana tēpu hei whāngai i tōna whānau.

Haere ai rātou ki te hamukai i ngā rā o te waru.

WhakamĀrama Āpitihanga

Koia nei ētahi o ngā kai e tipu noa mai ana i te taiao hei hamu mā te tangata:


kuhukuhu kai

Tauira KŌrero

Haere tātou ki te hamukai i ngā āria i te taha moana.

He tohunga ia ki te hamukai, arā kē te huhua ka horaina ki tana tēpu hei whāngai i tōna whānau.

Haere ai rātou ki te hamukai i ngā rā o te waru.

WhakamĀrama Āpitihanga