Ko te maha o ngā tōiriiri o tētahi ngaru ka hipa i tētahi pūwāhi i ia hākona. Ko te Hertz (Hz) te waeine mō te auau o tētahi ngaru. Mēnā 1Hz te auau o tētahi ngaru, kotahi te ngaru ka hipa i tētahi pūwāhi i ia hākona. Mēnā he tere te tōiriiri o ngā ngaru oro (arā, he tino auau te ngaru), he teitei te hauoro, he iere. Mēnā he pōturi te tōiriiri (arā, kāore i te tino auau te ngaru), he mārū te hauoro.
The number of waves which pass a point every second. Wave frequency is measured in Hertz (Hz). One Hz represents one wave passing a point every second. If the vibration of sound waves is fast (high frequency), the sound has a high pitch. If the vibration is slower (low frequency), the sound has a low pitch.
auau - frequently, again and again
Ka pēhea te āhua o te ngaru mēnā he tino teitei te oro?
Tātaihia te auau o te ngaru oro.
Mēnā kāore i te pērā rawa te auau o te ngaru, kāore e tino teitei te oro.