Exercise / Kori Tinana

English → Māori

A vocabulary list relating to exercise and physical conditioning.

He rārangi kupu e pā ana ki te kori me te whakapakari tinana.

aerobic activity, aerobic exercise, aerobics Noun

kori ā-hāora

aerobic capacity Noun

raukaha hāora

aerobic endurance Noun

matatū ā-hāora

aerobic fitness Noun

pakari ā-hāora (kupu kē atu: mārō ā-hāora, mārohirohi ā-hāora)

aerobic threshold Noun

pae hāora

aerobic training Noun, Intransitive Verb

whakapakari ā-hāora

agile, agility Noun, Intransitive Verb

raka (takenga mai: raka - to be adept, skilful, dexterous)

alternating downward stretch Noun, Intransitive Verb

totoro whakararo hohoko

anaerobic capacity Noun

raukaha hāora-kore

anaerobic exercise, anaerobic activity Noun

kori hāora-kore (takenga mai: hāora - oxygen; kore - not, nil)

anaerobic fitness Noun

pakari hāora-kore (kupu kē atu: mārō hāora-kore, mārohirohi hāora-kore)

anaerobic threshold Noun

pae hāora-kore

anaerobic training Noun, Intransitive Verb

whakapakari hāora-kore

arm rotation Noun, Intransitive Verb

takahuri ringa

athletic performance Noun

ekenga kaipara (takenga mai: eke - to attain, achieve)

back arch, cobra pose Noun, Intransitive Verb

tāwhana tuarā

backward lunge Noun

waetīkei whakamuri

balance (in movement) Noun, Intransitive Verb


balance exercise Noun

kori taurite

balance training Noun, Intransitive Verb

whakapakari taurite (takenga mai: whakapakari - to strengthen; taurite - balance)

barbell Noun

(maitai) puriroa (takenga mai: maitai [hiki maitai] - weight lifting; puri - to hold, grip; roa - long)

barbell back squat Noun

kuparu puriroa takamuri

barbell bench press Noun

panapae puriroa

barbell bicep curl Noun

kapu uarua puriroa

barbell deadlift Noun

hikiruki puriroa (takenga mai: hiki [hiki maitai] - weight lifting; ruki [taumaha rukiruki] - exceptionally heavy)

barbell front squat Noun

kuparu puriroa takamua

barbell lift Noun, Intransitive Verb

hiki puriroa (takenga mai: hiki - to lift; puri - to hold, grip; roa - long)

barbell lunge Noun

waetīkei puriroa (takenga mai: wae - leg; tīkei - wide step, to extend, stretch out, step over)

barbell shoulder press Noun

pana pokohiwi puriroa (kupu kē atu: pana pakihiwi puriroa)

barbell shrug Noun

hiki pokohiwi puriroa (kupu kē atu: hiki pakihiwi puriroa)

beep test, beep testing Noun, Intransitive Verb

whakamātau pīpī (takenga mai: pīpī [kupu mino] - beep)

bent over barbell row Noun

hoe puriroa tūpou

bent over row Noun

hoe tūpou

bicep curl Noun

kapu uarua

body composition Noun

hanganga tinana

body image Noun

ata tinana

body mass index, BMI Noun

tauine taumaharoa (takenga mai: tauine - ruler, scale; taumaha - weight; roa [tāroaroa] - height)

body weight exercise, body weight workout, calisthenics Noun

(kori) hiki tinana (takenga mai: kori - movement, exercise; hiki [hiki maitai] - weight training; tinana - body)

boot camp Noun

puni whakapakari

bridge (exercise) Noun

arawhiti (kupu kē atu: piriti [kupu mino])

burpee (exercise) Noun

pāpi (takenga mai: he kupu mino)

calf raise Noun

hiki takapū

cardiovascular exercise, cardio Noun

kori whakakapa manawa

chest expansion Noun, Intransitive Verb

whakamakoha poho

chest pass Noun, Intransitive Verb

maka poho

child pose, compact fold forward Noun, Intransitive Verb

whakapeke pipiri (takenga mai: whakapeke - fold up, crouch; pipiri - cling together)

circuit training Noun, Intransitive Verb

whakapakari amio (takenga mai: amio - to go around, circle around)

cool down, bend and stretch body to relieve muscles Noun, Adjective, verb

whakamakaka ~tia

coordinated, coordination (of movement) Noun, Intransitive Verb, Adjective

reretahi (takenga mai: rere - to flow; tahi - one, as one)

core stability Noun


cross-country running Noun, Intransitive Verb

omatahora (takenga mai: tahora - open country)

cross-training Noun, Intransitive Verb

whakapakari matarau (takenga mai: matarau - multifaceted)

decline bench press Noun

pana paeheke

dietary influence Noun

awenga whiringa kai

duathlete, biathlete Noun

kaipararua (takenga mai: kaipara - athlete, athletic pursuit; rua - two)

dumbbell Noun

(maitai) puripoto (takenga mai: maitai[hiki maitai] - weight training; puri - to hold, grip; poto - short)

dumbbell bench press Noun, Intransitive Verb

panapae puripoto

dumbbell bicep curl Noun

kapu uarua puripoto

dumbbell lift Noun, Intransitive Verb

hiki puripoto (takenga mai: hiki - to lift; puri - to hold, grip; poto - short)

dumbbell lunge Noun

waetīkei puripoto (takenga mai: wae - leg; tīkei - wide step, to extend, stretch out, step over)

dumbbell row Noun

hoe puripoto

dumbbell shrug Noun

hiki pokohiwi puripoto (kupu kē atu: hiki pakihiwi puripoto)

dumbbell squat Noun

kuparu puripoto (kupu kē atu: noho hītengitengi puripoto)

dumbbell tricep extension Noun

whātoro uatoru puripoto

dynamic balance Noun

taurite tainekeneke

dynamic warm-up Noun

whakamahana tainekeneke

effortless, undemanding Adjective

kohakoha-kore (kupu kē atu: māmā)

elliptical exercise machine, elliptical trainer Noun

mīhini korirapa (takenga mai: kori - to exercise, move; rapa [pororapa] - ellipse, elliptical)

endurance Noun, Adjective

matatū (takenga mai: matatū - standing firm, enduring)

endurance athlete Noun

kaipara matatū

endurance exercise Noun

kori matatū

endurance sport Noun

hākina matatū (takenga mai: hākina [hākinakina] - sport; matatū - standing firm, enduring)

endurance swimming Noun

kauhoe matatū (kupu kē atu: kauhoe roa, kau matatū)

endurance training Noun, Intransitive Verb

whakapakari matatū

exercise machine Noun

mīhini kori tinana

exercise physiology Noun

mātai whaiaroaro kori

exercise zone Noun

rohe kori

exercise, physical exercise, workout Noun, Intransitive Verb

kori tinana, kori (takenga mai: kori - to move; tinana - body)

exertion, strenuous Noun, Adjective

kohakoha (kupu kē atu: whakatīeke, whakawhēnanau)

explosive power Noun

kaha turapa (takenga mai: turapa - to spring up, rebound, recoil)

extrinsic motivation Noun

hihiko rāwaho

fine motor skill Noun

pūkenga nukuiti (takenga mai: nuku - to move; iti - small)

fit, fitness Noun, Intransitive Verb

pakari (kupu kē atu: mārohirohi)

flexibility exercise Noun

kori hangore

flexibility training Noun, Intransitive Verb

whakapakari hangore

flexible, flexibility Noun, Intransitive Verb, Adjective

tāwariwari (kupu kē atu: hangore)

foam roller Noun

rango kirihou kōmāmā

forward bend Noun, Intransitive Verb

piko whakamua

forward stretch Noun, Intransitive Verb

totoro whakamua

free weight Noun

maitai wātea

gentle exercise, easy exercise Noun

kori māhū

glide, move with even motion Intransitive Verb


grip test, grip testing Noun, Intransitive Verb

whakamātau kukuringa (takenga mai: kuku - to clench [fist]; ringa - hand)

gross motor skill Noun

pūkenga nukurahi (takenga mai: nuku - to move; rahi - large)

hamstring curl Noun

kapu iohere kātete

hamstring strain Noun

riaka iohere kātete

hand-eye coordination Noun

(te) reretahi o te karu me te ringa

health outcome Noun

hua hauora

heart rate zones Noun

pae kakapa manawa

heartbeat, heart rate, pulse (of heart) Noun

kakapa manawa (kupu kē atu: hoto manawa, panapana manawa)

high impact exercise Noun

kori taikaha (takenga mai: kori - movement, exercise; tai - prefix with a qualifying force; kaha - strong, forceful, energetic) (kupu kē atu: kori tuki uekaha)

high intensity interval training, HIIT Noun

whakapakari pūputu uekaha (takenga mai: pūputu - at short intervals; uekaha - strenuous, vigorous, energetic)

hip flexor stretch Noun, Intransitive Verb

totoro uahope (takenga mai: ua [uaua] - muscle; hope - hip)

hip rotation Noun, Intransitive Verb

tīwae hope (takenga mai: tīwae - turn from side to side)

hip stretch Noun, Intransitive Verb

totoro hope

holistic well-being, holistic wellness Noun

oranga torowhārahi (takenga mai: toro - to extend; whārahi - broad, wide) (kupu kē atu: oranga tukupū)

impact exercise Noun

kori rurutu (takenga mai: rutu - jolt, jerk, bump, throw down, tackle)

impact training Noun, Intransitive Verb

whakapakari rurutu

inactive, sedentary Adjective


incline bench press Noun

pana paepiki

intense, intensity Noun, Intransitive Verb, Adjective

ngoto (takenga mai: ngoto - to be vigorous, intense)

interval training Noun, Intransitive Verb

whakapakari pūputu (takenga mai: pūputu - at short intervals)

intervention strategy Noun

rautaki hāpaiora (takenga mai: hāpai - to uplift; ora - well-being)

intrinsic motivation Noun

hihiko rāroto

isometric training, static strength training Noun, Intransitive Verb

whakapakari whakaroau (takenga mai: whakapakari - to strengthen; whakaroau - static, still)

joint health Noun

hauora pona

kettlebell Noun

(maitai) purikīwai (takenga mai: maitai [hiki maitai] - weight training; puri - to hold, grip; kīwai - handle [of a basket])

kettlebell deadlift Noun

hikiruki purikīwai (takenga mai: hiki - to lift; hiki [hiki maitai] - weight lilfting; ruki [taumaha rukiruki] - exceptionally heavy; purikīwai - kettlebell)

kettlebell exercise Noun

kori purikīwai (takenga mai: puri - to hold, grip; kīwai - handle [of a basket])

kettlebell squat Noun

kuparu purikīwai

kettlebell swing Noun

piu purikīwai

lactate threshold Noun

pae rakatete (kupu kē atu: tauārai rātete)

lat pull down Noun

kumeraro tuawhārahi (takenga mai: kume - to pull; raro - down; tua - back; whārahi - broad)

lateral machine raise Noun

hiki mīhini whakatetaha

lateral raise, side lift Noun

hiki whakatetaha

lateral walk Noun

hīkoi whakatetaha

leg abduction, clamshell exercise, abduction (leg) Noun

wae whewhera (takenga mai: whewhera - to open out, stretch legs apart)

leg adduction, adduction (leg) Noun

wae kuti (takenga mai: kuti - todraw together)

leg extension Noun

whātoro waewae

leg press Noun


leg swing (exercise) Noun, Intransitive Verb

tīemiemi waewae

level bench press Noun

pana paetūpā

locomotor movement Noun, Intransitive Verb, Adjective

whakatakataka (takenga mai: whakatakataka - move about, carry out manoeuvres, movement, action) (kupu kē atu: ngatete)

long distance running Noun, Intransitive Verb


low impact exercise Noun

kori taimāmā (takenga mai: kori - movement, exercise; tai - prefix with a qualifying force; māmā - easy, light) (kupu kē atu: kori tuki māmā, kori rutu māmā)

low metabolic rate, low metabolism Noun

whakarau pūngao iti

lunge (exercise) Noun

waetīkei (takenga mai: tīkei - wide step, to extend, stretch out, step over)

machine bench press Noun

panapae mīhini

machine crunch Noun

koropeke mīhini

machine shoulder shrug Noun

hiki pokohiwi mīhini (kupu kē atu: hiki pakihiwi mīhini)

marathon Noun

oma taumano (takenga mai: taumano - for a long time) (kupu kē atu: omaoma-a-Tōhē, omamao)

maximum heart rate Noun

kakapa mōrahi

medicine ball Noun

poi taumaha (takenga mai: poi - ball; taumaha - heavy)

medicine ball circles Noun

porotiti poi taumaha (takenga mai: porotiti - to revolve, rotate, move around)

medicine ball exercise Noun

kori poi taumaha (takenga mai: kori - to move, exercise; poi - ball; taumaha - heavy)

medicine ball jump squats Noun

kuparu poi taumaha hūpeke

medicine ball situp Noun

nohotū poi taumaha

medicine ball twist Noun

takawiri poi taumaha

medicine ball wall throw Noun

maka poi taumaha pātū

moderate exercise Noun

kori tahanga (takenga mai: tahanga - moderately, a little)

motivate, stimulate, motivation, motivated Adjective, Noun, Intransitive Verb, Transitive Verb

(whaka) hihiko ~tia ~tanga (kupu kē atu: kipakipa)

motor skill Noun

pūkenga nuku (takenga mai: nuku - to move)

mountain biking, mountain bike Noun

pahikara maunga (kupu kē atu: paihikara maunga)

mountain climber (exercise) Noun, Intransitive Verb

piki maunga

move quickly to and fro Intransitive Verb


movement control Noun

whakataki neke

muscle control Noun

whakataki uaua

muscle health Noun

hauora uaua

muscle pump Noun, Adjective

uatoko (takenga mai: ua - muscle; toko - swell, increase in bulk)

muscle strain Noun

riaka uaua

neck rotation Noun, Intransitive Verb

tīwae kakī (takenga mai: tīwae - turn from side to side)

neck tilt Noun, Intransitive Verb

whakatītaha kakī

non-locomotor movement Noun, Intransitive Verb

koiri (takenga mai: koiri - bend the body, sway, move to and fro)

open water swimming Noun

kauhoe au moana (kupu kē atu: kau moana)

overarm throw Noun, Transitive Verb

whiu tukurunga

overhead stretch, upward stretch Noun, Intransitive Verb

totoro whakarunga

overstretch, overstretching Noun, Intransitive Verb

whātoro tuhene (takenga mai: tuhene - overmuch, excessive)

overtrain, overtraining Noun, Intransitive Verb

whakangungu tuhene (takenga mai: tuhene - overmuch, excessive)

Pilates Noun

Pirāti (takenga mai: He kupu mino.)

partial tear (of a muscle) Noun, Intransitive Verb

tīhae iti

physical skill Noun

pūkenga kori

physical well-being Noun

oranga tinana

physiotherapist, physio Noun

kaihaumanu koiri (takenga mai: koiri - to bend the body; koiri - non-locomotor movement)

plank (static exercise) Noun

puri whakapae (takenga mai: puri - to hold; whakapae - horizontal) (kupu kē atu: papa whakamārō)

plateau (in exercise), stagnate Noun, Intransitive Verb

whakamārari (takenga mai: whakamārari - to stagnate, make no progress)

process Noun

tukanga (takenga mai: tukatuka - to start up, proceed, move forward)

prone leg curl, lying leg curl Noun

kapu waewae tāpapa

puffed, out of breath, breathlessness Noun, Intransitive Verb


pull up (exercise) Noun


push up Noun

pana ake (kupu kē atu: pana whakarunga, pei ake)

quadricep stretch Noun, Intransitive Verb

totoro uawhā

quick, nimble (of movement and thought) Noun, Intransitive Verb, Adjective


range of motion Noun

(te) whānui o ngā koiri

reaction time, response time Noun

wā urupare

recovery (e.g. after exercise) Noun, Intransitive Verb


repetition, rep Noun


resistance band Noun

taura ātete (takenga mai: taura - cord; ātete - to oppose, resist)

resistance band exercise, resistance band workout Noun

kori taura ātete (kupu kē atu: kori taura kūtorotoro)

resistance training Noun, Intransitive Verb

whakapakari ātete

road cycling, road cycle Noun

pahikara rori

rowing machine Noun

mīhini hoe

rupture, hernia Noun


seated leg curl Noun

kapu waewae noho

self-image Noun

ata whaiaro (takenga mai: ata - image, reflected image; whaiaro - person, self)

set (of repeated exercises) Noun

huinga tāruatanga (takenga mai: huinga - collection, set, group; tāruatanga - repetition, rep)

shoulder press Noun

pana pokohiwi (kupu kē atu: pana pakihiwi)

shoulder stretch Noun, Intransitive Verb

totoro pokohiwi

shuttle run Noun

oma kōpiko (takenga mai: kōpiko - to go alternatively in opposite directions, go back and forth)

side arm raise Noun, Intransitive Verb

mairanga ringa ki te taha (kupu kē atu: hiki ringa whakatetaha)

side plank (exercise) Noun

puri kaokao (takenga mai: puri - to hold; kaokao - side of the body, flank)

side stretch Noun, Intransitive Verb

totoro tītaha

side twist Noun

takawiri whakatetaha

situp Noun, Intransitive Verb


skin caliper Noun

kinikiri (takenga mai: kini - to nip, pinch; kiri - skin)

speed, speedy, fast, quick Noun, Adjective

tere (kupu kē atu: horo)

sports injury Noun

whara hākinakina

spot, spotter (in weight lifting) Transitive Verb, Noun

piki ~tia (takenga mai: piki - assist, support, come to the rescue)

squat Noun, Intransitive Verb

kuparu (kupu kē atu: noho hītengitengi, noho tītengi)

stability ball exercise Noun

kori poiwhena (takenga mai: poi - ball; whena - firm, steady)

stability ball jackknife Noun

pikowae poiwhena (takenga mai: piko - to bend; wae - leg)

stability ball rollout Noun

pīrori poiwhena

stability ball side twist, stability ball Russian twist Noun

takawiri whakatetaha poiwhena

stability ball wall squat Noun

kuparu pātū poiwhena

stability ball, balance ball, swiss ball Noun

poiwhena (takenga mai: poi - ball; whena - firm, steady) (kupu kē atu: pōro tumuwhena)

stamina Noun, Adjective, Intransitive Verb

manawa piharau

standing forward raise Noun

hiki tū takamua

standing lateral raise Noun

hiki tū whakatetaha

standing upright row Noun

hoe tū whakarunga

static balance Noun

taurite whakaroau (takenga mai: whakaroau - static, still)

static warm-up Noun

whakamahana whakaroau (takenga mai: whakaroau - stationary)

stationary bike, exercycle, stationary biking, exercycling Noun

(eke) pahikara tū (kupu kē atu: [eke] paihikara tū)

strain, pull (a muscle) Noun, Transitive Verb, Adjective

riaka ~ria (kupu kē atu: tanuku)

strength, power, fitness Noun, Adjective, Intransitive Verb

mārohirohi (kupu kē atu: pakari)

strengthening programme Noun

hōtaka whakapakari

strenuous, vigorous, vigour Noun, Intransitive Verb, Adjective

uekaha (kupu kē atu: pākahukahu, ngangahau, hōriri)

stretch Transitive Verb, Noun

whātorotoro (kupu kē atu: totoro, tautoro)

strong, muscular, tough Noun, Intransitive Verb, Adjective


t-bar row Noun

hoe kakau-ti

tear, torn (of a muscle) Noun, Transitive Verb

tīhae ~a

tennis elbow Noun

tuke tēnehi

threshold training Noun, Intransitive Verb

whakapakari tuapae (takenga mai: tua - beyond; pae - threshold)

tight muscle Noun

uaua kita (takenga mai: kita - tightly clenched)

torso rotation Noun, Intransitive Verb

tīwae tumu (takenga mai: tīwae - turn from side to side)

train, training, physical training, strengthening Noun, Adjective, verb

whakapakari (kupu kē atu: whakamārō, whakamarohi, whakangungu)

trainer, strength trainer Noun


training plan, training programme Noun

mahere whakangungu

training threshold Noun

pae whakapakari (kupu kē atu: tauārai whakangungu)

treadmill Noun

tīkeikei (takenga mai: tīkei - extend, stretch out, as the legs stepping over an object)

tricep dip Noun

tukupoto uatoru

tricep stretch Noun, Intransitive Verb

totoro uatoru

underarm throw Noun, Transitive Verb

whiu tukuraro

unmotivated, lack of motivation Noun, Intransitive Verb, Adjective

hihiko-kore (kupu kē atu: korou-kore, ngākau-kore)

unsteady, unbalanced, unstable Intransitive Verb, Adjective, Noun


VO2 Max, maximum oxygen consumption Noun

mōrahi whakapau hāora (takenga mai: mōrahi - maximum; whakapau - to consume; hāora - oxygen) (kupu kē atu: mōrahi whakapeto hāora)

vertical jump Noun, Intransitive Verb

peke poutū

warm-up Noun, Intransitive Verb, Transitive Verb, Adjective

whakamahana ~tia

weary, stiff from overexertion Intransitive Verb, Adjective


weight lifting, weight training Noun, Intransitive Verb

hiki maitai (takenga mai: hiki - to lift; maitai - steel)

weight status Noun

paetaumaha (takenga mai: pae - margin, threshold; taumaha - weight)

weight training machine Noun

mīhini hiki maitai

Yoga Noun

Pū-Āio (takenga mai: pū - source; āio - peace) (kupu kē atu: tauhōkai)