Geometry / Āhuahanga

English → Māori

A vocabulary list relating to this area of mathematical understanding.

He rārangi kupu e pā ana ki tēnei peka o te wānanga pāngarau.

accurate, correct, valid Intransitive Verb, Adjective

tika (kupu kē atu: tōtika)

acute angle Noun

koki tāhapa (takenga mai: koki – angle; tāhapa – at an acute angle) (kupu kē atu: koki koi)

acute-angled triangle Noun

tapatoru koki tāhapa

adjacent Adjective, Adverb


adjacent angle Noun

koki pātata

adjacent side Noun

tapa pātata

alternate angle Noun

koki tauwhiti

altitude, height, high, tall Noun, Adjective

teitei (kupu kē atu: tāroaroa [of a person], tiketike)

angle Noun


angle of depression Noun

koki tāheke

angle of elevation Noun

koki rewa

annulus Noun

tarawhiti ahu-2 (takenga mai: tarawhiti - to encircle, hoop, ring; ahu-2 - 2-dimensional) (kupu kē atu: tarawhiti papatahi)

answer, product, quotient, result, solution Noun

otinga (takenga mai: oti – finished, completed) (kupu kē atu: hua)

anticlockwise Noun, Adverb, Adjective


apex Noun

tihi (takenga mai: tihi – summit, top, peak)

apothem Noun

toropū hāngai (takenga mai: toro – stretch forth, extend; pū – centre; hāngai – perpendicular)

apparatus, device, equipment, instrument, tool Noun


arc Noun

pewa (takenga mai: pewa – anything bow-shaped)

area Noun

horahanga (takenga mai: hora – spread out)

arrow Noun


arrow head shape Noun

pere tapawhā

attribute block Noun

poro āhuatanga ake

attribute, feature, property Noun


axis Noun

tuaka (takenga mai: tuaka – midrib of a leaf)

axis of symmetry Noun

tuaka hangarite

base (of a geometrical figure) Noun


bisect Noun, Transitive Verb, Adjective

weherua ~tia (takenga mai: wehe – divide; rua – two)

bisector, median (of a triangle) Noun

rārangi weherua (takenga mai: rārangi - line; weherua - to divide in two)

block Noun

poro (kupu kē atu: poraka)

bottom view Noun

tirohanga (mai i) raro

breadth, wide, width Noun, Adjective


build, construct, create, generate Transitive Verb

waihanga ~tia

central angle Noun

koki pū

centroid (of a triangle) Noun

pū tapatoru

chevron Noun

pere tapaono (kupu kē atu: kaokao)

chord Noun

aho (takenga mai: aho - weft, cross threads of weaving; aho - line, cord)

circle Noun, Transitive Verb, Adjective

porowhita ~tia (kupu kē atu: porohita ~tia)

circle geometry Noun

āhuahanga porowhita

circumcentre Noun

pū porowhita rāwaho

circumcircle Noun

porowhita rāwaho

circumference, perimeter Noun


classify, group Noun, Transitive Verb

whakarōpū ~tia ~ tanga

clinometer Noun

ine-rōnaki (takenga mai: ine – measure; rōnaki – sloping, slanting)

clockwise Adjective, Adverb

whakatekaraka (kupu kē atu: ā-karaka)

closed curve Noun

kōpiko kati

co-interior angle Noun

koki tauroto

co-ordinate geometry Noun

āhuahanga taunga

collinear points Noun

pūwāhi whakarārangi

compass (direction) Noun


compass (for drawing circles) Noun

tāporowhita (takenga mai: tā –to draw; porowhita – circle) (kupu kē atu: taputapu tuhi porowhita)

complementary angles Noun

koki whakahāngai (takenga mai: koki – angle; whaka – causative prefix, to make; hāngai – perpendicular)

concave Adjective


concentric Adjective

pūrite (takenga mai: pū – centre; rite – alike, corresponding)

concentric circles Noun

porowhita pūrite

concertina Noun

whētuitui hokohoko (takenga mai: whētui – fold; hokohoko – alternate)

concrete model Noun

tauira ōkiko (takenga mai: ōkiko - physical; ō - pertaining to; kiko - body, substance)

concurrent lines, intersecting lines Noun

rārangi pūtahi

cone, pyramid Noun


conjugate angles Noun

koki whakahuripū (takenga mai: koki – angle; whaka – causative prefix, to make; huri – turn; pū – origin, heart, centre)

convergent lines Noun

rārangi ūngutu

convex Adjective


copy, repeat Noun, Transitive Verb

tārua ~tia ~tanga

corner Noun

kokonga (kupu kē atu: akitu)

corresponding angle Noun

koki taurite

cosine Noun

whenu (tohu: ) (takenga mai: whenu – warp of a flax garment)

cross-section Noun

motuhanga (takenga mai: motu – severed, cut)

cube Noun

mataono rite (takenga mai: mata - face; ono - six; rite - similar, alike)

curve, curved Noun, Adjective


curved line Noun

rārangi kōpiko

curved solid Noun

āhua ahu-3 mata kōpiko

curvilinear shape Noun

āhua kōpiko

curvilinear triangle Noun

tapatoru kōpiko

cyclic quadrilateral Noun

tapawhā pūtahi porowhita

cylinder Noun

rango (takenga mai: rango – roller)

decagon (regular) Noun

tapa-tekau (rite)

degree (angle and temperature) Noun

putu (tohu: º) (takenga mai: putu - lie one upon another) (kupu kē atu: tākiri [kupu mino])

diagonal Noun, Adjective


diagram Noun, Transitive Verb

hoahoa ~ina (takenga mai: hoahoa – plan of a house)

diameter Noun

whitianga (takenga mai: whiti – cross over, reach the other side)

diamond shape Noun

taimana (takenga mai: He kupu mino.) (kupu kē atu: tapawhā whakarara rite, whakarara rite)

dimension (of space) Noun

ahu ~nga

direction, bearing, orientation, directed toward Noun, Intransitive Verb

ahu ~nga (kupu kē atu: anga, aro ~nga)

distinctive, prominent Adjective

kōhure (takenga mai: kōhure – outstanding, conspicuous) (kupu kē atu: tāpua)

distort, distortion Noun, Transitive Verb, Adjective

whakapeka ~tia ~ nga

divergent lines Noun

rārangi tīhoi

dodecagon (regular) Noun

tapa-tekau mā rua (rite)

dodecahedron (regular) Noun

mata-tekau mā rua (rite)

dot, point Noun

ira (takenga mai: ira – freckle, mole) (kupu kē atu: tongi)

edge, side Noun

tapa (kupu kē atu: taha)

ellipse Noun, Adjective

pororapa (takenga mai: poro [porowhita] – circle; rapa – spread out, extended)


poirapa (takenga mai: poi – sphere; rapa – spread out, extended)

equal, congruent Adjective

ōrite (tohu: =)

equilateral triangle Noun

tapatoru rite

equivalent (size), same amount Adjective

ōrite te rahi

exterior angle, external angle Noun

koki waho

face (of a solid figure) Noun


flat Adjective


flip Noun, Intransitive Verb

kauhuri ~a ~nga (kupu kē atu: huripoki)

floor plan Noun

hoahoa ā-papa

front view Noun

tirohanga (mai i) mua

frustum Noun

motuhanga pūtake (takenga mai: motu – severed, cut; pūtake – base)

geometric strategy Noun

rautaki āhuahanga

geometry Noun


golden ratio Noun

ōwehenga huatau (takenga mai: ōwehenga - ratio; huatau - comely, suitable, elegant, graceful)

grid Noun


grid paper Noun

pepa tukutuku

half-turn (180˚) Noun

hurihanga haurua

helix Noun

maurea (takenga mai: maurea - tiger shell)

hemisphere Noun

poi haurua

heptagon (regular) Noun

tapawhitu (rite)

hexagon (regular) Noun

tapaono (rite) (takenga mai: tapa - side; ono - six; rite - similar, alike)

hexagonal prism Noun


hexagonal pyramid (regular) Noun

koeko-tapaono (rite)

horizontal Adjective

huapae (kupu kē atu: pae, whakapae)

horizontal cross-section Noun

motuhanga pae (kupu kē atu: motupae)

horizontal line Noun

rārangi huapae

hypotenuse Noun

tāroa (takenga mai: tāroa – long)

hypothesis Noun, Transitive Verb

whakapae ~tia

icosahedron (regular) Noun

mata-rua tekau (rite)

incentre Noun

pū porowhita rāroto

incircle, inscribed circle Noun

porowhita rāroto

inscribed angle Noun

koki rāroto

intercept Noun, Transitive Verb

haukoti ~a ~nga

interior angle, internal angle Noun

koki roto

intersect, intersection Noun, Intransitive Verb

pūtahi ~tanga (takenga mai: pūtahi – join, meet)

intersecting lines, concurrent lines Noun

rārangi pūtahi

invariant property Noun

āhuatanga pūmau (takenga mai: āhuatanga – property; pūmau – fixed, constant, permanent)

invariant, fixed, constant Intransitive Verb, Adjective


inverse cosine Noun

whenu kōaro (tohu: )

inverse sine Noun

aho kōaro (tohu: )

inverse tangent Noun

pātapa kōaro (tohu: )

investigate, investigation Noun, Transitive Verb

tūhura ~tia ~tanga

irregular, asymmetric Adjective

hikuwaru (takenga mai: hikuwaru – crooked, asymmetrical)

isometric Noun, Adjective

inerite (takenga mai: ine – measure; rite - alike, corresponding)

isometric diagram Noun

hoahoa inerite

isometric grid Noun

tukutuku inerite

isosceles Adjective

waerite (takenga mai: wae – leg, foot; rite – alike, corresponding)

isosceles trapezium Noun

taparara waerite

isosceles triangle Noun

tapatoru waerite

justify, justification Noun, Transitive Verb

parahau ~tia ~tanga (takenga mai: parahau – protection, defence)

kite shape Noun

manu tapawhā (takenga mai: manu - kite; tapawhā – quadrilateral)

left side view Noun

tirohanga (mai i te taha) mauī

length, long Noun, Adjective

roa ~nga

limit of accuracy Noun

tepe o te tika (takenga mai: tepe – boundary, limit; tika – correct)

line Noun


line of symmetry Noun

rārangi hangarite

line segment Noun

rārangi poro

line symmetry, reflective symmetry Noun

hangarite whakaata

locus Noun

huanui (takenga mai: huanui – path, pathway)

major arc Noun

pewa matua

major sector Noun

pewanga matua

major segment Noun

tapahanga matua

mental image Noun

whakaahua ā-hinengaro

method, technique, convention, meaning Noun


middle Noun, locative


minor arc Noun

pewa iti

minor sector Noun

pewanga iti

minor segment Noun

tapahanga iti

multilink cubes Noun

mataono honohono (kupu kē atu: poraka honohono, poro honohono)

net (of a solid figure) Noun

raumata (takenga mai: raumata – mesh of a net)

nonagon (regular) Noun

tapaiwa (rite)

oblique Adjective

hōtiu (takenga mai: hōtiu – oblique, inclined)

oblique cone, oblique pyramid Noun

koeko hōtiu

oblique cross-section Noun

motuhanga hōtiu

oblique cylinder Noun

rango hōtiu

oblique line Noun

rārangi hōtiu (kupu kē atu: rārangi tītaha)

oblique square prism Noun

poro-tapawhā rite hōtiu

oblique square pyramid Noun

koeko-tapawhā rite hōtiu

obtuse angle Noun

koki hāpūpū (takenga mai: koki – angle; hāpūpū – blunt)

obtuse-angled triangle Noun

tapatoru koki hāpūpū

octagon (regular) Noun

tapawaru (rite) (takenga mai: tapa - side; waru - eight; rite - similar, alike)

octagonal prism Noun


octahedron (regular) Noun

matawaru (rite) (takenga mai: mata - face; waru - eight; rite - similar, alike)

one-dimensional Adjective

ahu-tahi (whakapotonga: ahu-1)

open curve Noun

kōpiko huaki

opposite Noun, Adjective

tauaro (kupu kē atu: anganui)

opposite angle Noun

koki tauaro

opposite direction, inverse direction Noun

ahunga kōaro

opposite side Noun

tapa tauaro

order of symmetry Noun

tau hangarite

outcome Noun

putanga (takenga mai: puta – come forth, come out) (kupu kē atu: hua, otinga)

oval Noun, Adjective

porohema (takenga mai: poro [porowhita] – circle; hema – tapering)

overlap Noun, Transitive Verb


ovoid Noun

poihema (takenga mai: poi – sphere; hema – tapering)

parallel Adjective

whakarara (takenga mai: whakarara – mark in parallel lines)

parallel line Noun

rārangi whakarara

parallelogram Noun

tapawhā whakarara

pattern Noun


pentagon (regular) Noun

taparima (rite)

pentagonal prism Noun


pentomino Noun

tapawhā rite-rima (takenga mai: tapawhā rite - square; rima - five)

perpendicular bisector Noun

rārangi weherua hāngai

perpendicular line Noun

rārangi hāngai

perpendicular, at right angles Adjective

hāngai (takenga mai: hāngai – across, at right angles, astride)

pi Noun

pae (tohu: π) (takenga mai: He kupu mino [reo Kiriki].)

plan view Transitive Verb

tirohanga (mai i) runga (kupu kē atu: tirohanga ā-manu, hoahoa ā-manu)

polycube Noun

mataono rite-rau

polygon (regular) Noun

taparau (rite) (takenga mai: tapa – margin, edge; rau –many; rite – alike, similar)

polyhedron (regular) Noun

matarau (rite) (takenga mai: mata – face; rau –many; rite - alike, similar)

polyomino Noun

tapawhā rite-rau (takenga mai: tapawhā rite - square; rau - many)

prism Noun

poro (takenga mai: poro – butt end, block)

protractor Noun


puzzle, guessing game Noun


quadrant Noun

porowhita hauwhā

quadrilateral Noun

tapawhā (takenga mai: tapa – margin, edge; whā – four)

quarter-turn (90˚) Noun

hurihanga hauwhā

quatrefoil Noun

pewawhā (takenga mai: pewa - arc, arched; whā - four)

radius Noun

pūtoro (takenga mai: pū – centre; toro – stretch forth, extend)

ratio Noun

ōwehenga (tohu: :) (takenga mai: ō - of, belonging to; wehenga - portion, part, division)

rear view Noun

tirohanga (mai i) muri

rectangle, oblong

tapawhā hāngai

rectangular prism, cuboid Noun

poro-tapawhā hāngai

rectangular pyramid Noun

koeko-tapawhā hāngai

reflex angle Noun

koki rāwaho

region (of space or time) Noun


regular (shape)

rite (kupu kē atu: ōrite)

repeated transformation Noun

panoni tāruarua

representation Noun


rhombus, diamond shape Noun

tapawhā whakarara rite (kupu kē atu: whakarara rite, taimana)

right angle Noun

koki hāngai (tohu: )

right cone, right pyramid Noun

koeko hāngai

right side view Noun

tirohanga (mai i te taha) matau

right-angled triangle, right triangle Noun

tapatoru hāngai

rotate, rotation, turn Noun, Transitive Verb

huri ~hia ~hanga

rotational symmetry Noun

hangarite hurihanga

Soma cube Noun

mataono rite a Soma

scale Noun

āwhata (takenga mai: arawhata – ladder)

scale drawing, scale diagram Noun

hoahoa āwhata

scalene triangle Noun

tapatoru hikuwaru

sector Noun


segment Noun

tapahanga (takenga mai: tapa – cut, split)

semicircle Noun

porowhita haurua

semicircumference Noun

paenga (o te) porowhita haurua

set square Noun

tāhāngai (takenga mai: tā –to draw; hāngai [koki hāngai] – right angle)

shape Noun

āhua (kupu kē atu: hanga)

shear Noun

tītahatanga (takenga mai: tītaha – lean to one side, slant)

similar (in proportion) Adjective


similar (shape) Adjective

ōrite te āhua

simple closed curve Noun

ānau kati

simple curve Noun

ānau (kupu kē atu: kōpiko māmā)

simple open curve Noun

ānau huaki

sine Noun

aho (tohu: sin)

solid with curved and flat surfaces Noun

āhua ahu-3 mata kōpiko, mata papatahi

space, spatial Noun


square Noun

tapawhā rite

square prism Noun

poro-tapawhā rite

square pyramid Noun

koeko-tapawhā rite

straight Adjective


straight line Noun

rārangi torotika

straight line angle Noun

koki rārangi (kupu kē atu: koki torotika)

supplementary angles Noun

koki whakarārangi (takenga mai: koki – angle; whaka– causative prefix, to make; rārangi – line)

surface area Noun

horahanga mata

symmetrical, symmetry Noun, Intransitive Verb, Adjective

hangarite (takenga mai: hanga – shape; rite – alike, corresponding)

systematic Adjective, Intransitive Verb

nahanaha (takenga mai: nahanaha – well arranged, in good order)

tangent (to curve) Noun

pātapa (takenga mai: pā – connected with, touch; tapa – edge)

tangent (trigonometry) Noun

pātapa (tohu: tan)

tangential angle Noun

koki pātapa

tangential circles Noun

porowhita pātapa

tangential line Noun

rārangi pātapa

tangential ratio Noun

ōwehenga pātapa

tangram Noun

hangawhitu (takenga mai: hanga – shape; whitu – seven)

tesselate, tessellation, tiling, mosiac Noun, Intransitive Verb

rōpinepine (takenga mai: rōpine – place close together)

tetrahedron (regular) Noun

matawhā (rite) (takenga mai: mata - face; whā - four; rite - similar, alike) (kupu kē atu: koeko-tapatoru [rite])

theorem of Pythagorus Noun

ture a Pythagoras

three-dimensional Adjective

ahu-toru (whakapotonga: ahu-3) (kupu kē atu: ahutoru)

three-dimensional model Noun

tauira ahu-toru (whakapotonga: tauira ahu-3)

three-dimensional figure, solid (shape) Noun

āhua ahu-toru (whakapotonga: āhua ahu-3)

tile Noun

papariki (takenga mai: papa – anything broad, flat and hard; riki – small)

torus Noun

tarawhiti ahu-3 (takenga mai: tarawhiti – hoop, ring, encircle; ahu-3 - 3-dimensional)

trace Noun, Transitive Verb

tāwhai ~tia ~tanga (takenga mai: tawhai - to imitate) (kupu kē atu: whaituhi)

transform, transformation Noun, Transitive Verb

panoni ~hia ~ tanga (takenga mai: panoni – change)

transformation geometry Noun

āhuahanga panoni

transformation sequence Noun

raupapatanga panoni

transversal Noun

rārangi whakawhiti

trapezium Noun

taparara (takenga mai: tapa [tapawhā] – quadrilateral; rara [whakarara] – parallel)

trapezoidal prism Noun


triangle Noun


triangular prism Noun


triangular pyramid (regular), tetrahedron Noun

koeko-tapatoru (rite) (kupu kē atu: matawhā [rite])

trigonometric ratio Noun

ōwehenga pākoki

trigonometry Noun

pākoki (takenga mai: pā – connected with; koki – angle)

two-dimensional Adjective

ahu-rua (whakapotonga: ahu-2) (kupu kē atu: ahurua)

two-dimensional figure Noun

āhua ahu-rua (whakapotonga: āhua ahu-2)

two-dimensional model Noun

tauira ahu-rua (whakapotonga: tauira ahu-2)

variable Noun, Intransitive Verb, Adjective


variant property Noun

āhuatanga taurangi (takenga mai: āhuatanga – property; taurangi – variable)

vertical Adjective

poutū (kupu kē atu: pou, poupou)

vertical line Noun

rārangi poutū

view Noun


whole Noun

tūtahi (kupu kē atu: katoa)

whole angle, full turn (360˚) Noun

koki huripū