




He momo taparau, e whā ōna tapa. E whā ngā rārangi torotika e hono ana hei hanga i te tapawhā, e whā hoki ngā koki roto. Ahakoa te āhua o te tapawhā, ko te 360º te tapeke o ōna koki roto.

A polygon with four sides. Four straight lines join to form a quadrilateral, there are also four internal angles. No matter the shape of the quadrilateral, its four internal angles always add up to 360º.

Tauira KŌrero

He aha ngā momo tapawhā e tino kitea ana i te hanga o ō tātou whare?

Tuhia he rārangi hei whakahaurua i ngā tapawhā.

Tātaihia te horahanga me te paenga o te tapawhā.

WhakamĀrama Āpitihanga

Ka whakamahia he pūmatua hei whakaingoa i tētahi tapawhā. He tapawhā hāngai te AEHI. E whakaaturia ana te roa me te whānui o te AEHI:

Koia nei ngā momo tapawhā motuhake. E whakaaturia ana ngā tapa ōrite, ngā koki ōrite, ngā tapa whakarara, me ngā rārangi hangarite:

Mēnā ka noho ngā kokonga o tētahi tapawhā ki te paenga o tētahi porowhita, ka kīia tērā he tapawhā pūtahi porowhita. Ko te 180° te tapeke o ngā koki tauaro o tētahi tapawhā pūtahi porowhita:

Takenga Mai

tapa - margin, edge

whā - four

Tauira KŌrero

He aha ngā momo tapawhā e tino kitea ana i te hanga o ō tātou whare?

Tuhia he rārangi hei whakahaurua i ngā tapawhā.

Tātaihia te horahanga me te paenga o te tapawhā.

WhakamĀrama Āpitihanga