

equal, congruent (=)



Kāore he rerekētanga o tētahi mea i tētahi. He nui ngā momo ‘ōrite’ motuhake i te ao pāngarau. He kupu motuhake i te reo Pākehā mō ēnei momo, engari i te reo Māori, ka tāpiria he kupu anō ki te ‘ōrite’ hei whakaatu i te āhuatanga e ōrite ana.

Where there is no difference between one thing and another. There are many ways in which things are referred to as being the same in mathematics. There are specific words in English, but in Māori, words are appended to ‘ōrite’ to describe the particular attribute that is the same.

Tauira KŌrero

Tāpiria te rua me te toru, he ōrite ki te rima.

He ōrite te horahanga o ngā āhua e rua, ahakoa he rerekē te hanga.

He ōrite te āhua, he rerekē te rahi.

WhakamĀrama Āpitihanga

He ōrite ēnei tapatoru. Arā, he ōrite te āhua me te rahi (horahanga) o tēnā tapatoru me tēnā:

He ōrite te āhua o ēnei tapatoru. He ōrite ngā koki roto o tētahi me ngā koki roto o tētahi, engari he rerekē te rahi (horahanga) o tēnā tapatoru, o tēnā:

He ōrite te rahi o ēnei āhua e rua, arā, te horahanga, engari he rerekē te āhua:

He ōrite te uara o ngā taha e rua o tētahi whārite, pēnei i te 3 + 6 x 2 = 30 ÷ 2.

Tauira KŌrero

Tāpiria te rua me te toru, he ōrite ki te rima.

He ōrite te horahanga o ngā āhua e rua, ahakoa he rerekē te hanga.

He ōrite te āhua, he rerekē te rahi.

WhakamĀrama Āpitihanga