




Ko te āhua o te mata ina tapahia tētahi koeko, kāore te tapahanga e whakarara ki te rōnaki o te koeko. Koia hoki te āhua o tētahi momo kauwhata motuhake.

The shape of the face produced when a cone is cut so as not to be parallel with the slope of the cone. It is also the shape of a special type of graph.

Tauira KŌrero

He pūwerewere te āhua o te kauwhata.

Ina tapahia te koeko i konā, he pūwerewere te āhua ka puta.

Ka noho te pūwerewere ki roto i ōna tepe whakatata, e kore e pā, e haukoti rānei.

WhakamĀrama Āpitihanga

Ka puta te pūwerewere i te tapahanga poutū o tētahi koeko:

He pūwerewere te āhua o tēnei kauwhata. E kore e haukoti i te tuaka-y, i te tuaka-x rānei, engari ka pātata haere, ka pātata haere. Ka kīia ngā tuaka ko ngā tepe whakatata o te pūwerewere. Ko te whārite o tēnei pūwerewere ko te xy = 1:

Tauira KŌrero

He pūwerewere te āhua o te kauwhata.

Ina tapahia te koeko i konā, he pūwerewere te āhua ka puta.

Ka noho te pūwerewere ki roto i ōna tepe whakatata, e kore e pā, e haukoti rānei.

WhakamĀrama Āpitihanga