Tikanga ā-Iwi





He kohikohinga raraunga whaimana e pā ana ki ngā iwi me ngā wharenoho o tētahi whenua, o tētahi rohe rānei, kia mōhiotia ai ngā āhuatanga hangapori o te iwi, pērā i te maha o ngā tāngata, ō rātou mātāwaka, ō rātou iwi, ō rātou reo, ō rātou wāhi noho, ā rātou mahi, me te maha noa atu. Ka whakahaerehia he tatauranga ā-motu i Aotearoa i ia rima tau, ā, me mātua whakaoti e te katoa tētahi puka tatauranga.

An official collection of data about the people and dwellings in a country, or a particular region, in order to understand the demographic features of the population, such as the number of people, their ethnicities, their tribal affiliations, their languages, where they live, their occupations and much more. A census is conducted in Aotearoa every five years and it is mandatory for everyone to complete a census form.

Tauira KŌrero

Ko ngā raraunga ka hua ake i te tatauranga hei tūāpapa mō ngā kaupapa a te kāwanatanga, otirā, a ngā whakahaere maha.

E ai ki te tatauranga, ko Ngāpuhi te iwi nui rawa atu o Aotearoa.

Mā te pakeke e whakaoti he puka tatauranga mō te kōhungahunga.

Tauira KŌrero

Ko ngā raraunga ka hua ake i te tatauranga hei tūāpapa mō ngā kaupapa a te kāwanatanga, otirā, a ngā whakahaere maha.

E ai ki te tatauranga, ko Ngāpuhi te iwi nui rawa atu o Aotearoa.

Mā te pakeke e whakaoti he puka tatauranga mō te kōhungahunga.