Ko ngā pūmanawa e nohopuku ana i roto i te tangata, ina poipoia ka puāwai. Ko te whaihua rānei o tētahi hanga, o tētahi kaupapa rānei kāore anō kia puta.
The talents which sit latent within a person, which if nurtured will flourish. The benefits of an object or a project which have yet to be realised.
pito mata - uncooked portion (of kūmara that can be replanted having the potential to produce many more kūmara)
pūmanawa nohopuku
E whai ana te kura kia whakaohotia ngā pitomata o āna ākonga katoa.
Kāore anō kia paku whakawhanakehia ōna pitomata ki te hākinakina.