Tikanga ā-Iwi

mautohe ~tia


tūingoa, tūāhua, tūmahi poro


Ko te whakaputa tūmatanui a te tangata, a te rōpū rānei i tana whakahē, i tana ātete ki tētahi kaupapa, ki tētahi take rānei, mātua rā he take tōrangapū, he mōtika tangata, he take whiwhi mahi rānei.

The public expression by a person or group of their disapproval or opposition to a particular matter or issue, usually of a political nature, concerning human rights or employment issues.

Tauira KŌrero

He aha te kaupapa e mautohetia ana e te hunga whakatōhenehene rā?

Ko ngā mautohe o te tau 1981 e whakahē ana i Te Tawhio Pihirei o Āwherika ki te Tonga, koia ētahi o ngā mautohe nui rawa atu o Aotearoa, ā, mohoa noa nei.

E mautohe ana te iwi rā ki tā te kaunihera tuku i te waipara o te tāone ki ngā arawai o te rohe.

WhakamĀrama Āpitihanga

Arā kē ngā momo mahi mautohe, mai i ngā tohe māhaki āhua māmā nei, ki ngā tohe tū taikaha, pērā i te pāhoro. Ko ēnei momo mautohe hei tauira o te tūtohetohe, ā, ko te tangata ka whai wāhi atu ka kīia he kiritohe:


porotēhi (kupu mino)

Tauira KŌrero

He aha te kaupapa e mautohetia ana e te hunga whakatōhenehene rā?

Ko ngā mautohe o te tau 1981 e whakahē ana i Te Tawhio Pihirei o Āwherika ki te Tonga, koia ētahi o ngā mautohe nui rawa atu o Aotearoa, ā, mohoa noa nei.

E mautohe ana te iwi rā ki tā te kaunihera tuku i te waipara o te tāone ki ngā arawai o te rohe.

WhakamĀrama Āpitihanga