
tau maha

cardinal number



Ko tā te tau maha he whakaatu i te maha o ētahi mea, te maha rānei o ngā huānga o roto i tētahi huinga. Ka whakamahia ngā tau tatau hei tohu tau maha, karekau he hautanga.

The cardinal number shows the number of items or the number of elements in a set. Counting numbers are used to indicate cardinal number, fractions are not involved.

Tauira KŌrero

Ko te 4 te tau maha o te huinga taurua kei raro i te 10.

E hia te tau maha o te huinga pūtahi?

Whakamāramatia mai te rerekē o te tau maha me te tau raupapa.

Tauira KŌrero

Ko te 4 te tau maha o te huinga taurua kei raro i te 10.

E hia te tau maha o te huinga pūtahi?

Whakamāramatia mai te rerekē o te tau maha me te tau raupapa.